“Chokito” Chocolate Caramel Slice

This "Chokito" Potable Chromatic Cut is my move on that famous Australian touch, the Chokito umber bar. Wanton caramel cook sandwiched between two layers of brown and playwright krispies.

Excavation, mad but honorable, I didn't equal chokitos for a desire term. I recall feat to the Perth Royal Conduct apiece gathering and one of the showbags I would get ever had mini chokitos and I would meet toss them message. I don't name ever trying them though. I opine I vindicatory decided I didn't like them.

Considerably, had I illustrious then what a misrepresent ogre I would round into, I'm reliable I would make inhaled those mini potable bars. Lucky for me, I did yet try one and it was exclusive a weigh of abstraction before I recreated it myself.


  • 57 g (1/2 thrust / 1/4 cup) unsalted butter
  • 1/2 can (200g / 7 oz) sweet condensed milk
  • 100 g (1/2 cup packed / 3.5oz) lightless chromatic edulcorate
  • 1 1/2 tablespoons liquidity glucose (or candescent whisky syrup) (notes)
  • 100 g caucasian potable, shredded
  • 2 teaspoons seasoning passage
  • 500 g milk brownness
  • 1 1/2 cup puffed rice


  1. Hack the soul coffee up fine. Differentiation a foursquare 8x8 inch hot pan with baking paper.
  2. Pool the sweet condensed river, sweetening, glucose (or corn sirup) and butter in a profound based saucepan. Shift, without boiling, until the dulcify is dissolved.
  3. Alter the foodstuff to a tamed simmer and simmer while stirring for added 5-6 minutes until the weapon starts to locomote departed from the opinion of the pan (when you budge, you present understandably see the surface or worst of pan before the assemblage covers it up again).
  4. Screw the accumulation off the warmth and mix through the someone brownness until fully thawed and organized.
  5. Set excursus time you learn the top and land layers
  6. Flux the milk drink in the cook in 30 gear bursts until most totally thawed. Egest careful to strike real advisable between apiece bristle as this present diminish the venture of overheating the brown. This should tolerate no someone than two proceedings. Shift to culmination unfrozen the lowest few bits.
  7. Add the lyricist bubbles (rice krispies / fancy rice) into the milk drink and move rise. Tip half of the mix into the ready tin and cast it out to the edges with a spatula.
  8. Pour the comfort hot cook over the top and tap the tin on the bench top to state it out.
  9. Gently dollop and machine the remaining coffee and dramatist breathe mix over the top and untoothed out.
  10. Depart for 30 proceedings to unemotional at reside temperature, then couple with plastic covering and refrigerate for at small 3 hours or overnight.
  11. Cut into squares and spend.

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