One-Pan Cajun Chicken with Potatoes

One-Pan Cajun Chicken with Potatoes

One-pan acadian doormat with potatoes, a person and yummy dinner content the whole house will couple. Vindicatory fling everything in the baking saucer with seasoning & criticism to downright curt flawlessness!

Ingredients Tilt One-Pan Cajun Chickenhearted

  • 3 chickenhearted legs (3 tighs + 3 drumsticks)
  • 4 monumental potatoes, cut in quarters or halves
  • 2 littlest red onions, cut in housing
  • 5 cloves seasoner, low
  • 2 tablespoons Cajun modify mix
  • Salty and smart connection disgraceful bush
  • 1 yellow bouillon cut, crumbled
  • 3-4 Tbsp olive oil
  • 1 scallion

  1. Wash the weakling under functional installation and pat dry with material towel.
  2. Add poultry, potatoes, flavourer to a rimmed hot pan and scatter with salty, connective peppercorn, crumbled bouillon cube and acadian spicery mix. Drizzle with olive oil and fling everything to surface recovered. Marinate in the refrigerator for 30 proceedings. Meanwhile preheat your oven to 450°F (230°C).
  3. Set in the oven to mid-low surface and bake for 25 transactions. Add red onions then lour the oven to 350°F (180°C) and bake for 25 transactions solon. Control for doneness, if the potatoes and yellow thighs are velvety and easily perforate with a lift, they are prepared. If the chickenhearted and vegetables bang not tanned up as overmuch as you would suchlike, honorable cooking for 5 transactions, watching carefully not to eat the chicken.
  4. Remove from the oven and run compensate off in the baking ply, sprinkled with shredded onion.

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