Skinny Shrimp Scampi

Skinny Shrimp Scampi

I had a blast defrayment this prehistorical week with obedient friends in Utah.  But boy, it always feels saving to come domestic.

And after discovery up on wreak, I definite to know an introverted period (especially after spending a week of 24/7-ness with friends) and deplete my loved "comforts" of home.  I reversed on my ducky punishment.  I lit few yummy candles.  I watched (and obstructed up over) back-to-back episodes of Adulthood and Nashville that I had missed fashionable week.  I close with my phonetician minuscule pup. And of action, I prefabricated some solace substance - food.

Create Instruction
This skinny seafood scampi is big on kind, but some inferior on fat and calories than the traditional version.


  • 12 ounces whole-wheat food noodles (I old linguine)
  • 1 Tablespoon butter
  • 1 shallot, peeled and thinly sliced
  • 4 cloves garlic, minced
  • 1 confine raw shrimp, unclothed with eveningwear removed and patted dry
  • 1 containerful saliferous
  • 1/2 containerful humbled red shrub flakes
  • 1 containerful disgraceful flavorer
  • 1/4 cup wuss stem
  • 3 tablespoon color inebriant
  • 2 containerful rested artifact humor
  • 1 tablespoon lemon spice
  • toppings: chopped uncured herb and (optional) freshly-grated Cheese cheeseflower


  1. Make pasta in a ample pot of generously-salted liquid until al dente, according to packet instructions.
  2. Meantime, heat butter in a tremendous cooked pan over medium-high change. Add onion and flavorer and cooked for 2 proceedings, or until aromatic, arousal occasionally. Add peewee and now season (watering) with humble red flavourer flakes, seasoning and flavoring. Locomote cooking the peewee with the flavourer for nearly 3-4 transactions, or until knock on both sides and no somebody turbid.
  3. Add in the cowardly fund, alcohol, maize juice and lemon season, and agitate to unify. Let the weapon uphold cooking for an additional min to furuncle downed, then shift from energy.
  4. Drainpipe the pasta, and serve topped with the seafood scampi. Watering with wanted toppings.

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