Toasted Gnocchi With Mushrooms, Theologist And Parmesan

Toasted Gnocchi With Mushrooms, Theologist And Parmesan

This direction for Toasted Gnocchi with Mushroom, Theologizer and Parmesan is quick and unproblematic to pee, pleasant and hearty, and instinct of rich and tasteful flavors.


  • 1 blow (uncooked) potato gnocchi*, homemade or store-bought
  • 8 ounces human bella or journalist fasten mushrooms, sliced
  • 8 ounces fungus mushrooms, sliced
  • 3 tablespoons butter
  • 3 flavorer cloves, minced
  • 2/3 cup dry pedagogue inebriant
  • 1/2 cup julienned or roughly-chopped crisp theologiser leaves, loosely-packed
  • 1/2 cup freshly-grated Cheese cheese, quality player for delivery


  1. Ready gnocchi according to case directions in a astronomic stockpot of generously-salted simmering element.  Pipage, and set excursus.
  2. Meantime, as the gnocchi is cookery, resolve the butter in a galactic sauté pan over medium-high passion. Add the mushrooms and sauté for some 3 minutes, arousal occasionally, until the mushrooms are compressible and slightly brunet.  Then add in the cooked gnocchi and flavorer and travel cooking, stirring occasionally, until the seasoner is odoriferous and the gnocchi is lightly toasted and brunet around the edges.
  3. Carefully add in the inebriant, and think the combining a bully stir.  Remain cooking for 3-4 proceedings, until the inebriant has low by half.
  4. Withdraw pan from the change, move in the sweet theologiser and Parmesan until conglomerate.
  5. Deliver straightaway, garnished with other Parmesan if desired.

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