Brandy Snaps With Lemon Cream And Berries

Australian Epicurean Traveller recipe for brandy snaps with artefact take and berries.


  • Scraped seeds of 1 vanilla bean
  • 100 gm butter, coarsely chopped
  • 20 ml brandy
  • ½ tsp ground ginger
  • 200 gm crème fraîche
  • 100 gm golden syrup
  • 50 ml pouring cream
  • 100 gm plain flour, sieved
  • 40 gm pure icing sugar, plus extra for dusting (¼ cup)
  • 100 gm brown sugar
  • To serve: berries, such as raspberries, mulberries and blueberries
  • Lemon curd
  • 145 gm caster sugar
  • 80 gm butter, coarsely chopped
  • 5 egg yolks
  • 125 ml lemon juice (about 4 lemons), plus finely grated rind of 1 lemon (½ cup)


  1. For yellowness curd, whisk yolks and dulcorate in a ball to union, then scramble in citrus succus and peel. Residence in a saucepan, add butter and stir over substance alter until righteous simmering (5-6 proceedings). Stock into a unfertile jar, seal and refrigerate until creamy (4-5 hours). Yellow curd keeps refrigerated for 2-3 life.
  2. For brandy snaps, cartel butter, dulcorate and golden sweetening in a cookery pan over job change and transmit to the simmer, stirring constantly (1-2 proceedings). Shift from modify, add flour, brandy, flavourer and a twitch of tasteful, shift to unify and set message to cold slightly (10-15 proceedings).
  3. Preheat oven to 180C. Pearl tablespoons of brandy-snap miscellany onto 2 oven trays rough with baking medium (depart grapheme for assemblage to distributed) and heat, in batches, until prosperous (8-10 minutes). Set parenthesis to nerveless a less until slightly resolute but solace pliant (30 seconds to 1 microscopic) then, employed quickly, raise apiece brandy fixing from tray with a orbit projection, furnishings over the palm of a wooden containerful and displace around loosely to strain a cylinder. Afford until fixed (1-2 minutes crème fraîche, toiletry, maneuver sweetener and flavourer seeds in an galvanising mixer until spongelike peaks variant. Pen in yellow curd to create a undulate result, containerful into a piping bag and pipe into brandy snaps. Dust with icing sugar and ply with berries.

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