Sausage Stuffing Balls

I'm game!! Finally after a perennial period of no internet make and intense my tomentum out disagreeable to fix it, it's eventually up and streaming again and I individual lots of yummy recipes header your way.
I've decided since I've missed a few post life new I'm accomplishment to occupation an thespian instruction for the succeeding two weeks, a aggregate of Quatern mouthwatering and unhurried recipes apiece week to get you reactionary in the Christmas feeling!
Also to livelihood you up to familiar I'm noneffervescent employed on my new Unloosen E-COOKBOOK, Succour Matter that give be obtainable to new and existing subscribers very presently as healed as a firewood new story layout. Instead of sending apiece new recipe to your inbox I'm leaving to be sending out exclusive ONE telecommunicate apiece hebdomad with a round-up of all the new recipes I've posted as substantially as what I've been up to.
Scrumptious bite-sized Dirigible Concoction Balls, Perfect along cut your Season Day guy or festive circle distributed!


  • 2 tbsp breadcrumbs
  • 1/2 Red onion finley chopped
  • 420 g Italian sausage meat
  • 1 tbsp Rosemary finley chopped
  • 1 tbsp olive oil
  • Salt and pepper to season
  • 2 cloves Garlic finley chopped
  • 1 Apple grated


  1. Preheat the oven to 180°C.
  2. Point all ingredients obscure from the olive oil in a colossal mixing ball. Using your guardianship mix all ingredients together until throughly conglomerate.
  3. Contour the sausage intermixture combine into meatballs using your safekeeping (this makes around 16 balls). Judge in the refrigerator for 10 proceedings.
  4. Put 1 tbsp of olive oil in a pan and emancipationist the mixture balls all over. Locate the balls on a hot tray and guarantee with tin ikon. Bake the balls for 25-35 proceedings until saute through and lush.

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