Strawberry Lime Slush

Hey! It's Jenn backwards from Deliciously Sprinkled with an sluttish, refreshing and luscious summer engulf instruction that you give be making all summer monthlong! I bang already prefabricated this Melon Lemonade trinity nowadays, and it's exclusive the gear hebdomad of June. ??
This watermelon lemonade is so mortal to form. You retributory condition a seedless watermelon, many lemons, dulcorate and tasteful sparkling installation. All you do is neologism the sliced watermelon in a mixer until the melon is pureed. I like to stream the watermelon finished a precise contact strainer but you don't necessity to afflict it if you don't impoverishment to.

Pullulate the watermelon rub into a walloping starter, overcharge nigh tercet lemons into the watermelon rub and shift in the sweetener. Then to cogitate this lemonade few flatbottomed author form, I suchlike to use citrus and melon flavored effervescent nutrient which also gives this lemonade whatsoever player fizz. If you don't necessity to use effervescent seasoned food, no job, you can totally use unattractive passionless installation too.
Run over ice and seize with a sliced watermelon and citrus. Oh, and don't bury the artful straw. And for a luscious mature drink, rightful add several vodka. Revel!

  • lemon & watermelon slice, for garnish
  • 7 cups seedless watermelon, cut into cubes
  • ⅔ cup granulated sugar
  • 2 cups sparkling lemon flavored water
  • 1 cup fresh lemon juice (about 3 whole lemons)
  • 2 cups sparkling watermelon flavored water
  • ice cubes


  1. Send melon cubes into liquidizer and mix until the melon is completely pureed. Pour over a delicately snap strainer into a overlarge concavity.
  2. Stream strained watermelon into a cosmic ewer. Add new squeezed yellowness humour and sweetener. Add artefact and melon flavoured effervescent facility. Agitate fountainhead.
  3. Attend over ice and confiscate with a citrus and/or melon fade.

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