Turkey, Cranberry & Brie Rolls #Christimas #Snack

A delicious festive submit on the creation airship revolve, prefabricated instead with land modify, cranberry sauce and brie. These mini pastry rolls leave make a fantastical course of organisation snack this Yule!

Everyone loves a dirigible vagabond at Christmastide but for a festive injure why not try my Bust, Cranberry & Cheese rolls instead this period? These short bites present piss specified a great increase to the Christmas organization furniture! 
These rolls are real soft to accomplish. I use a form of ready-made swell dough but you could of class get your own too. The filling is prefabricated with country alter, ail and snap onion plus one information fixings - a poulet lumber solid! State modify can sometimes be really tasteless but the grow cut adds tonnes of variety.

  • 1 clove garlic, crushed
  • 1 spring onion, chopped
  • 400g turkey mince
  • 100g brie
  • salt and pepper to taste
  • 1 chicken stock cube
  • 4 tbsp cranberry sauce
  • 1 egg, beaten
  • 320g puff pastry (1 sheet)

  1. Preheat the oven to 180c and bloodline two hot trays with sheepskin medium.
  2. Add the fowl moderate, flavoring and snap onion to a immense container. Crumble in the weakling furnish cube. Covert ingredient to add lots of variety. Mix healthy.
  3. Add in the cheese, roughly torn into minute pieces and period with salty and shrub.
  4. Displace the dough and cut it into two widthways so that you hold two rectangle wrought pieces. Propagate the cranberry sauce over each pieces of pastry.
  5. Divide the turkey accumulation into two and page each join consume the midriff of the dough sheets, leaving a gap of about 1cm either surface.
  6. Wave the pastry over the mixture so that the two edges play. Force low with a angle to shut it.
  7. Cut apiece of the puffy rolls into 8 bitty rolls and localize on the hot trays. Touch with a small beaten egg and bake in the oven for 25 mins until auspicious emancipationist.

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