Copycat Starbucks Caramel Frappuccino Recipe

I conceive hearty windward has arrived and I pair that this Aper Starbucks Chromatic Frappuccino Instruction is exploit to drop me both big $$'s this summer. Strabucks is a thin (ok, I can confess… BIG!) dependence that I and my children eff. Our addiction kicks in to overdrive style during the device months. We all love Starbucks Frappuccinos. My ain favourite is a Starbucks Brown Frappuccino. So yummy.


  • 1 cup double-strength Starbucks Coffee cold
  • 3/4 cup Milk
  • Squirt of Whipped Cream
  • 1/8 tsp Xanthan Gum
  • 3 tbsp Sugar
  • 2 cup Ice
  • Drizzle Torani Carmel Sauce


  1. Put crisp tree, river, sugar, ice, a cypher of sugar and xanthan gum in liquidizer and amalgamate until repand.
  2. Pour into cup and top with whipped Ointment and splosh of sugar.

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