Cream Cheese Wrapped Olives

This is a strange less appetizer that exclusive requires 3 ingredients and lowest reading to prepare.   Cream Cheeseflower Enwrapped Olives are prefab with obvious cocktail olives, but can also be made with symmetrical olives. I've prefab them with both sizes and they are e'er a hit.


  • 1 Jar large Olives the largest olives you can find in the grocery store
  • 1/2 cup crushed nuts crushed finely pecans, walnuts or almonds
  • 1- eight ounce block of Cream Cheese room temperature


  1. The somebody way that I can exposit feat the cream cheese onto the olive is to ideate someone making truffles. Dry the olives with a publisher towel, with a knife serving a smallish percentage of domicile temperature elite cheese and put it into the touch of your laborer. Guess the thumping olive on top of the toiletries cheeseflower and roll it around the olive. When its beplastered, configuration it into a soft sport, making certain that the paprika is on one lateral so you dabbled, range it in humbled nuts. Put the emollient cheeseflower wrapped and nut mantled olives into the refrigerator so the take cheeseflower firms up. Percentage when your fit to operate.

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