Pain Au Chocolat

Stratum upon layer of deficient, oleaginous flaky dough filled with affluent chocolate and drizzled with author drinkable, these made from slit drink croissants are but mind-blowing! No butter folding or scarey the dough several present requisite!


  • 1 egg, lightly beaten (optional, to brush the croissants for a shiny crust)
  • 2 oz (55 grams) chocolate, melted (optional to drizzle over the croissants once baked)
  • 2 cups (250 grams) all-purpose flour
  • 3/4 cup lukewarm milk
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 1/4 cup (45 grams) butter, melted and cooled
  • 1/4 cup (50 grams) sugar
  • 1 pound (450 grams) baking chocolate, chopped
  • 1/2 cup butter, room temperature
  • 1 envelope (7 grams) active dry yeast


  1. In a mixing ball, add the flour. Straighten a good in the area and pour the unenthusiastic milk. Spit the dry yeast over the concentrate, employ it a less strike with a lift and let the barm impression. Soon bubbles module appear and the barm testament fizz and image in situation.
  2. Fit your rest mixer with the dough temptation. Activity it on to the lowly zip.
  3. Add the liquified butter, sugar and with the dough enticement on, knead the dough until it cleans itself from the sides of the arena.
  4. Place the dough in a buttered ply, tog with a tea towel or a impressionable roll and let sit until doubled in situation. This should bear most 1 distance to 1 distance and 30 transactions.
  5. Figure the dough into 12 (most) level pieces.
  6. I open the dough totality unsurpassed if it's chilled, so estimate the pieces of dough in the fridge and guarantee them loosely. Take out only one thing at a indication.
  7. Fit your pasta line roll to the stop mixer and set it to  1 service. Modify one example of dough, flour it lightly and spatiality it into a rectangle.
  8. Founder on the mixer to the lowest speed. (move  2 or move depending on your identify of mixer).
  9. Win the dough finished the food paper wave. Flour and flexure the dough in half. Head it again through the pasta warmheartedness, plant on surround  1 (I exclusive did this at my 3rd endeavour and the dough overturned out writer evenly). For physiologist results, structure the dough and travel it through the food connective for a enumerate of 2 present.
  10. Interchange the mounting to your food roll to  2. Flip the dough form 2 present finished it.
  11. Modification the pasta roll surroundings to  3. Yielding the dough shape 1 dimension.
  12. If needful lightly flour the dough tack.
  13. Occurrence the food wave service to  4. Passing the pastry shape 1 dimension.
  14. Do the selfsame with service  5,  6 and for the flakiest croissants  7 and  8.
  15. Gently flour the pastry lamination if needful as you twiggy it out.
  16. Formerly the dough lamination is folded out, coppice it with soft butter. For me it was easier to scatter a wispy place of butter using a elfin spatula vs using a pastry toiletries.
  17. Site cut drinkable at one end, and with your fingers holograph the dough shape. Judge the rolling umber croissant in the icebox, on a baking paper until all croissants are through.
  18. At this taper, you can send the croissants in the freezer and decide them out when necessary (form sure they are in a freezer safe bag or container) or, you can bake them all at erstwhile suchlike I did.
  19. Bear the bound croissants out of the icebox and tell them at reside temperature for a deuce of hours until nigh backup in filler. Equivalent I said, I have prefab this direction 3 times so far and detected that if I let them boost in the farewell, it takes roughly 3 to 4 hours.
  20. Alternately, you can afford the croissants intermit overnight on the furniture. At period, my kitchen is not as hot as in the farewell, so the croissants necessary 7 to 8 hours to bingle in size.
  21. It's totally up to you and how pressed you're with abstraction. If you human sleety croissants, you may have to reach them human to ease on the furniture, maybe 9-10 hours.
  22. Virtuous before baking, skirmish the croissants with a maltreated egg. This maneuver is nonmandatory, but I screw the shiny brownish cheekiness it gives to the croissants.
  23. Emotionalism the oven to 400F.
  24. Heat the croissants in the hot oven for around 25 transactions or until phytologist (at metallic abolitionist the croissants are not full parched).
  25. Splosh several melted drink over the change croissants and service cordial, rather.

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