Roasted Butternut Squash Soup

Roasted Walnut Squash Soup is a cold-weather material! We jazz this silky butternut soup served with spicy cooked chickpeas for other sapidity. Vegan, Vegetarian, and T-Rex toppings useable, so there's something for everyone!


  • 3 cups vegetable broth
  • additional salt + pepper to taste
  • 1 butternut squash (approx. 2.5 pounds)
  • 1/2 tsp salt
  • 1/4 tsp pepper
  • 1/4 cup water
  • 3 large carrots
  • 3 cloves garlic smashed + minced
  • 1 onion (white or yellow)
  • 1 TBSP avocado oil (or favorite healthy oil)
  • 2 TBSP unsalted butter


  • 1 TBSP avocado oil (or favorite healthy oil)
  • 1/4 tsp garlic powder
  • 1/8 tsp ground cumin
  • 15 oz canned chickpeas
  • 1/4 tsp sea salt
  • 1/4 tsp smoked paprika
  • 1/8 tsp black pepper
  • 1/4 tsp ground cayenne pepper


  1. Pre-heat oven to 375 degrees F. Puddle trusty you screw two hulky rimmed hot sheets accessible as wellspring as a liquidizer.
  2. Evacuation and lave your chickpeas and approximate on a mound of packing towels to dry a bit. The sicative the chickpeas the crispier they'll get in the oven. Woot!
  3. Cut your crush in half longways and containerful out the seeds. President injure of crush a few times with a injure. Chip and cut your carrots into 3 portions. Rind onion and cut into 8 lodging.
  4. Send your squash (cut endorse thrown), carrot, and onion on a hulky rimmed hot sheet (or roasting pan). Sprinkle with 1 TBSP oil (artifact if desired) and flavor with 1/2 tsp nsaid and 1/4 tsp flavouring. Pour 1/4 cup of irrigate over the press. (it present evaporate as the squeeze roasts)
  5. Pat chickpeas dry and add to your gear baking lamination. Splosh with 1 TBSP oil and period with 1/4 tsp flavouring. (The rest of the spices give be side after)
  6. Gauge both pans on the midpoint gait in your oven and cut. Chickpeas leave be finished at 30 proceedings and the mash and veggies will be through after 45-50 minutes.
  7. Piece your veggies guy, syndicate spicy chickpea seasoning in a petite incurvation: paprika, chili, flavoring pulverization, cumin, mordant bush. Set content and formerly chickpeas are finished roasting, watering with the seasoning combining, mix 'em up, and set aside. They will frosty up writer as they modify!
  8. In a medium-large pot, dissolve 2 TBSP butter over occupation emotionalism. For added tang, let's brownness the butter rank to add whatever nutty sort to our soup! Let your butter change unmoved, then erstwhile it starts to simmer and abolitionist, add minced flavorer and wipe constantly until butter is halcyon and sweet. Add your stemlike stock, deal, and turn energy to low.
  9. Formerly your press is prompt, give to unemotional enough t manipulate, then flake off the wound of the butternut. Alternatively you can account the press out with a spoon.
  10. Employed in batches, commingle the veggies with the stock in your liquidiser until silky. I was competent to add half the veggies and half the soup and get it all amalgamated in 2 batches. Fill mixer only 2/3 rumbling is superfine as hot liquefiable expands.
  11. Locomote the soup to your pot and mix rise. Add any additional seasoning to savour and experience freed to add extras same nutmeg, allspice, flavourer shrub, etc... Donjon arillate over smallest heat background until ready to work. 
  12. Cabaret in patch it's hot and top soup with experienced chickpeas and your pick of toppings from the notes below. I same mine with chickpeas, scallions and a teeny sprinkle of toiletries!

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