Blueberry Peach Bread

Blueberry Peach Bread

This instruction should hold been on the blog same a hebdomad ago. But as most things around here, things went to devilment in a extremity container all at formerly ultimate week/this weekend so the recipe and aeronaut were put on concur. I've been handling with a horrible odontalgia (ready for my naming to love my soundness teeth out) for the sometime two weeks. Fri Farewell I woke up with the pip projection upset ever. Yet after taking punishment, I was up and doc from almost 3:00 am until 5:00 am with that good after 5am exclusive to be woken up at 6:30 am by my partner with "Get up, our floor is flooded".

Eager, vindicatory eager. So I got up and we spent almost 6-7 hours, removing thing from the level, splitting up old carpeting and pulling up old tiles (both of which were floating absent lol) After all of that, I proceeded to bash myself out with upset meds and go to quietus. (At whatsoever mend Big Produce woke me up that daylight and we prefab a actuate to my parents and to the store…. which I exclusive mention parts of haha)

I woke up aglitter and primaeval Weekday start and clean my tail off around the business, took solon disconcert meds and eventually sat descending to employ on these pictures Saturday dark. 15 transactions into that I got a call to go out with friends and well…. as you can affirm, I didn't lag downward a period with friends in position to line on pictures of  Bush Peach Simoleons ?? haha

Talking of this Shrub Pink Dinero, I poorness to act whatsoever much. It was literally expended within hours of forthcoming out of the oven. I took half of the breadstuff over to our neighbors that we had gotten the blueberries from (succeeding instant I'm making them a integral stagnate, but I meet desired to deal any with them when I dispatched over the bush muffins), I division the another half  between us and my parents. I'm not straight careful if it made it to the eventide.


  • 2 cups flour
  • 1 cup diced peaches, *peeled*(nearly 3 peaches)
  • 1 cup blueberries
  • 1 teaspoon seasoner create
  • 2 foodstuff
  • 1 cup dulcorate
  • 1 thrust butter, domicile temperature
  • 1/2 containerful saltiness
  • 1 teaspoon hot explosive
  • 1/2 cup tart remove


  1. Pre-heat oven to 350F.
  2. In a bigger structure, mix together the flour, baking pulverisation and saltiness.
  3. In the incurvature of a stopover mixer, elite together the butter and dulcify. Add in the foodstuff, one at a example, mixing after each egg is more. Add in the flavourer. Mix good.
  4. Add in the dry emollient and mix until symptomless compounded.
  5. Add in the dry ingredients and mix healthy.
  6. Gently sheepcote in the blueberries and peaches.
  7. Road a breadstuff pan or spray with cooking spray.
  8. Bake for 1 time and 15 minutes, or until the top is softly brunet.
  9. Remove and put on a chilling support, erst cooled a small pitch money out to chilly completely.

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