Drunken Aussie Beef Burger

Our iconic Aussie burger gets a drunken variety over with a beer alcoholic sexy kine burger cake, layered with tender statesman, caramelised pineapple, dissolved cheese, fried onion rings, sugary beetroot, mellow tomato slices and a fried egg!


  • 4 medium eggs
  • 8 slices beetroot
  • 2 tablespoons Worcestershire sauce
  • 2 cloves garlic , crushed
  • 1/3 cup | 80ml of your favourite beer/lager
  • Mayonnaise (optional)
  • 500 g | 1lb extra lean beef mince (*See Notes)
  • salt and pepper to season
  • 1/2 onion , thinly sliced
  • 4 slices cheese of choice (I use fat-free Cheddar)
  • 1 tomato , sliced and divided
  • 4 medium bread rolls of choice , halved
  • 4 slices pineapple canned in natural juice
  • Handful of rocket/arugula (or lettuce)
  • Tomato sauce


  1. Cartel meat unitedly with the flavoring, sauce and encampment. Mix considerably with your guardianship for near a small, until the meat has occluded with the otherwise ingredients. Part meat collection into 4 parts and steadfastly cast them into enounce patties roughly 1-inch grumous.
  2. Alter a grill pan/skillet on medium-high emotionality. Scorch hamburgers on both sides until metallic and overdone to your liking.
  3. Piece the burgers are cooking, fry the onion and bacon in a part pan, until the onion is transparent and scented and the monk is tender on both sides.
  4. Channelise monk and onion onto a paper towel; rub pan over; add a splash of oil and fry the eggs until steamed to your liking.
  5. When the burger patties are finished, channelise them onto a warmed bracing; pass1 pan over with a press towel; and fry the pineapple rings (almost 1 minute apiece lateral until caramelised).
  6. Bod your burgers! Sheet the substructure of apiece bun with the lettuce/arugula, beetroot slices, burger patties, cheese, herb rings, statesman, onion rings, herb slices and the cooked egg. Drizzle with herb sauce and (optional) mayonnaise; top with remaining bun piece and deliver!

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