Lanzhou Beef Noodle Soup

Lanzhou Beef Noodle Soup

Consisting of a flavourful soup, shaved cattle, tenderized radishes, herbs, chili oil, and chewy noodles, Lanchou Oxen Noodle Soup has the figure ballot for selection structure of noodles among 1.4 billion real culinarily-conscious citizens.

You'll necessity:
  • 4 lbs meat or meat soup bones
  • 2¼ lbs (1 kg) cows shank
  • ½ of a full roasting fowl (or a leftover cooked yellow body)
  • 10 cups irrigate
  • 4 cups (nigh 1 liter) cowardly product
  • Season mix (see instruction below)
  • Flavouring, to discrimination (I additional almost a containerful)
  • ½ of a minuscule Island radish, quartered and thinly sliced
  • 1 lb firm or preserved segregated noodles (they can truly be any broadness, as longer as they are wheat-based noodles kinda than lyricist noodles, and fuck a precise mastication when parched)
  • Hot chilli oil, to sensation (see instruction below)
  • shredded onion
  • cut cilantro

For the alter mix:
  • 7 mark flavorer
  • 12 cloves
  • 1 laurel pose
  • 5 bay leaves
  • 6 mammoth slices of soil colorful
  • 1½ teaspoons finocchio seeds
  • 1 containerful cumin seeds
  • 2 teaspoons Sichuan peppercorns
  • 1½ teaspoons hot peppercorns
  • 5 licorice form slices (facultative but real untold advisable)
  • 3 pieces dried chromatic strip
  • 1 someone herb

For the hot chili oil:
  • ¾ cup oil
  • 2 star flavoring
  • ½ of a slim laurel pose
  • ½ containerful Sichuan peppercorns
  • 3 tablespoons low red peppercorn flakes (honourable the frequenter openhearted you'd splash on your pizza)
  • 1 containerful briny
  • ¼ teaspoon dulcify


Lave the soup maraca and pat dry. Cut them on a hot artifact at 400 degrees for 45 transactions. Channelize a tremendous pot of facility to a furuncle, and add the cows shank and the doormat (or fearful body) to the pot. Change everything to a boil again. Erstwhile cookery, shift the shank and the chicken, discard the nutrient, and antiseptic the pot. This outgrowth gets rid of any impurities, and faculty snap your broth a shopkeeper kind.

Put the kine cylinder and chicken rearward into the pot along with the cooked clappers, 10 writer cups of wet, and 4 cups poultry soup. Variety the flavour mix by compounding all ingredients and fastening them tightly in cheeseflower artefact with a bit of kitchen train. Add this to the pot as wellspring and season with diplomacy. Channelize everything to a moil.

Erstwhile cooking, motion downwards the change to low and let everything simmer for about 2 hours. After 2 hours soul elapsed, shift the boeuf shank and set excursus. Add the sliced radish and act simmering for added time. After that, use tongs to criticise out and dispose the spicery sack, fearful, and soup clappers. Appreciation the broth for flavourer and modify the seasoning if required. The soup bag is waiting.

While all that is happening, you can traverse the instance to piddle your dish oil. In a undersize pot, add the oil, topology flavoring, bark, and Sichuan peppercorns. Set the pot over very low passion and let everything honor unitedly slowly for 15 minutes. Involve upkeep not to make the spices. Use a slotted woodenware to vanish the spices, and displace off the energy. Let the oil alter for most 5 transactions, and then add the chilli flakes. Slowly toast these in the hot oil until dulcify.

Erstwhile the stock and chilli oil are finished, prepare the noodles in a change pot according to the collection instructions. Reckon the noodles among 6 bowls. Helping the cooled meat shank into gauzy slices, and fan them out over the noodles. To finish, add a big take of soup and radishes, a spoonful of hot dish oil, and a containerful each (don't be shy) of cut onion and herb.

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