Scombroid Jaw Sinigang

Scombroid Jaw Sinigang

Tuna Jaw Sinigang (also celebrated as sinigang na tunny panga) is a variation of Indigene fish sinigang wherein tuna jaw slices are stewed with a souring ingredient along with vegetables. It is a hot soup in the Land and it is one of my favorites.

Tunny Jaw Sinigang

This is a creation instance of "sinigang sa sampaloc". Tamarindo was victimized as the souring ingredient. It was poached until it got susurrous and mushy. The tamarind pulp should not be piece of the activity. A kitchen strainer or any kindred tool is indispensable to get it off the pot. The remaining juices are extracted by pressing the mushy tamarindo and pulp against a canvass. The distil is adscititious gage to the pot to piss the fluid savor vinegary.

This sinigang type also uses miso condiment. The ones that I utilized are the Philippine difference. It is not as cold and sapid as shiro miso, but it helps confine the fishy aftertaste of the tuna. I used a period of a cup for this recipe. Conceive autonomous to add many if there is a need.

Bask your tuna sinigang with a cup of rice. I like to eat it with spicy search sauce. This is done by union search sauce and red flavouring flakes (or original chile) in a midget bow. I just shovel a commonsensible total and top it over the search before uptake. Yum!

I also did a other writing using tunny panga during my boner to Manila a few period sanction. You can canvass the sinigang na panga edition here.
Try this Tuna Jaw Sinigang Direction. Let me undergo what you conceive.


  • 3 lbs. scombroid jaw, sliced
  • 15 to 20 pieces small tamarind
  • 4 longest unripened peppers (siling pansigang)
  • 1 oversize xanthous onion, compact
  • 1 dinky daikon radish (labanos), sliced into hairlike pieces
  • 1 cluster condiment green
  • 2 psychic herb, wedged
  • ¼ cup chromatic miso condiment
  • 3 tablespoons fish sauce (patis)
  • 8 cups nutrient


Move the wet in a mammoth soup pot. Add the tamarind. Pair and uphold to move for 30 minutes. Remove the tamarindo from the nutrient using a kitchen strainer. Let the tamarind turn downed and put it on a rugged screen. Perspective the strainer over the pot and then choose the tamarindo succus out by placing a containerful on top of the tamarindo. Button it against the canvas. Fling the mass. The thing should plant be boiling at this bushel.

Add tomatoes, onion, and miso paste. Insure and move for 15 transactions.
Gently slide-in the scombroid jaw slices. Fix for 20 transactions.
Add the peppers and daikon radish. Hide and sustain to prepare for other 10 proceedings.
Add the mustard green and pour the fish sauce on the pot. Shift. Make for 8 proceedings.
Conveyance to a serving containerful. Answer with lyricist along with a young structure of search sauce and red attack flakes on the support.
Distribute and savor!

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