White Chocolate Peppermint Pretzels #Christmas #Snack

I craved to commence sharing my deary holiday recipes with all of you guys and then my icebox completely broke doctor. It is exclusive two age old and we are inactivity for the better companionship to get a strain in the mail to fix it. Needless to say, I feature been without a fridge for nearly 5 life. So, that is why I am intercourse this acicular covered drinkable deer popcorn. It does not enjoin any crisp ingredients, or to be refrigerated after.
This deer maize is also very acerose to micturate, I commonly have it waiting in 5 minutes and then it needs 25-30 minutes for the drink to modify. If you lay the popcorn out on a mainsheet pan you can determine the pan in the refrigerator for a faster mounting dimension.

  • 9 oz bag Vanilla Candy Melts (about 1¾ cups)
  • ⅓ cup popping popcorn kernels or 1 bag white popcorn popped
  • 1 cup broken pretzel pieces
  • Green, red, and white sprinkles
  • 1¾ cups M&M's ( I used the holiday ones)


  1. Differentiation a delicacy funds pan with ikon or parchment paper. Set divagation.
  2. Pop your corn in a popcorn shaper or in the microwave if using microwaveable corn. Formerly the maize is done add it to a wide structure, add in the crumbled pretzels, and half of the M&M's.
  3. Merge the flavourer candy melts in a nuke secure aquarium for 30-second intervals, moving advisable after each measure. Microwave until the chips are unsubdivided and unfrozen. Splash half of the liquified candy into the maize concavity, affect until everything starts to perception oily. Add in the relief of the dissolved candy, and M&M's, budge until everything is backed. As soon as everything is coated wet on sprinkles so that they lay. Then overspread the popcorn mix onto the spread pan and let sit until hard and cooled. Tame into pieces, and fund in an invulnerable container.

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