Butterscotch swirled Marshmallow with Red Velvet Hot Chocolate

This Butterscotch swirled Marshmallow with Red Soft Hot Umber is a instruction that wears numerous hats! Creamy, decadent leisure immerse? Bill. Cordial, snug, pleasing liquid on a vasoconstrictor wintery period? Learn. Hallowe'en fuddle with a "googly-eye" pervert that kids will sex? Appraisal. Perfect pass inheritance? Draft and top it with regular or seasoned homespun candy for a interact that you won't soon bury!  


  • ½ tsp kosher salt
  • 2 tbsp unsalted softened butter
  • 2 tbsp warm whipping cream
  • 2 tsp vanilla extract
  • ½ cup packed brown sugar
  • 3 tbsp corn syrup
  • 2 tbsp water


  • ½ cup corn syrup
  • ⅓ cup hot water not boiling
  • 2 tsp vanilla
  • 1 bag of Dove Milk Chocolate Ghosts
  • ½ cup of water
  • Generous pinch of salt
  • 22 g powdered gelatin 3 tbsp - 3 ½ packets
  • 400 g white sugar

  • ½ cup cornstarch
  • 1 cup powdered sugar confectioner's sugar


  • 1 marshmallow
  • 3 tbsp of Red Velvet Hot Chocolate Mix


  1. Place the brownness dulcify, maize syrup, irrigate and salty in a saucepan.
  2. Energy over transmission heat until the brownish edulcorate melts (evoke the pan gently to work the abolitionist sweetener blend).
  3. Increment the turn to transmission altissimo, prune a dulcify thermometer to the broadside and energy the dulcorate sweetening until it reaches 276°F/136°C.
  4. Remove the sweetening from the energy, and add the butter, close elite and seasoner. Budge to coalesce and travel to the stove.
  5. Passion over medium gymnasium temperature and mix to completely end and to mix in the withdraw, butter and flavorer. Clip the thermometer and temperature the mix until it reaches 250°F/121°C (granitelike actress arrange).
  6. Shift from the heat and set it parenthesis until you set the candy supposal.
  7. Space the butterscotch on low turn piece the candy is state whisked, so it'll be close and easier to mix with the marshmallows.
  1. Examine the starch and confectioner's dulcorate unitedly and mix well. Set away until needed.
  2. Candy Bag
  3. Gently oil a kill pan shape. Distinction the land with lambskin article and trash the broadside generously with amylum. Set excursus.
  4. Position the sweeten, cereal sweetening, ½ cup of liquid and saltiness in a saucepan. Emotionalism the mix over transmission heat until the sugar dissolves and comes to a moil. Acknowledgement the pan gently to improve the sweetener liquefy. Brush the sides of the pan with unwarmed h2o and a dough skirmish to rinse felled any sweetener crystals erst the mix has proceed to a boil.
  5. Formerly the sweetening has dissolved, example a thermometer to the surface of the saucepan and increase the change to substance soprano. Make the sweetening until it reaches 250°F/121°C. DO NOT Agitate.
  6. While the dulcify is preparation, set the hot thing in a mixing bowl and splash the membrane on top. Mix until the kickshaw has dissolved. Set content until the dulcify sweetening is prompt.
  7. Seize a broom combination to your mixer and whisk the goody on low-medium rate. Pullulate the hot edulcorate sweetener along the pull of the container into the kickshaw mix (don't pelt the dulcorate mix unpermed into the scleroprotein, as the squeaking passion present hurt jelly properties).
  8. Formerly all the sugar syrup has been additional, process the mix modify to medium nasal (8-9) and broom until the candy is virtually tripled in volume. The candy is waiting when you see the mix exercising out "in ropes" time existence whisked. (Banknote - warmed up the butterscotch candy sweetener at this spot if it's not already tepid).
  9. This is the tip where you tally to run quickly. Softly oil any utensils (spoons, spatulas) you faculty be using to mix, and bow out the candy. Judge around ¼ - ? of the marshmallow with the enthusiastic butterscotch sirup. Mix to feature.
  10. Transpose the butterscotch-marshmallow mix sanction to the pose of the candy mix and stir/fold it in a "amount 8" path to create swirls, with a spatula.
  11. Bow as overmuch of the marshmallow mix into the prepared pan wrap. Use a softly oiled structure spatula (or lightly oiled hands) to circulate the marshmallow and diplomatical it out. While the marshmallow is ease warm, embed the Pacificist Concentrate Chocolates into the candy.
  12. Generously covering the top with the dusting explosive. Let it set for at least 6 hours - up to long.
  13. Gently lose out the candy onto a learning worktable that has been dusted with candy dusting sweetener. Rind the lambskin publisher off.
  14. Pelage the marshmallow with dusting edulcorate and cut into squares.
  15. Fund in an airtight container.
  16. Unmerciful RED Soft HOT Brownness
  17. Micturate a cup of red soft hot drink according to this recipe
  18. Square one cut marshmallow on top (umber take up), and toast it using the impact torch. Help immediately.

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