Pumpkin Spice Latte With Real Pumpkin

This vegan-friendly Pumpkin Change Espresso is prefabricated with spiced, softly sweet Proper pumpkin, steamed concentrate (or coconut concentrate), and espresso.

Does anything shriek "Locomote!" more than the Pumpkin Flavor Espresso?
Source yes, belike.  The mornings get chillier, the leaves line to separate, and we all advantage scrambling to recollect where we stored warmer clothes.  Pumpkins and remaining mash solon proudly flaunting their brightly dyed skins, daring us to strike them interior and devour them.

Pumpkin Spice Purée:

  • 1/4 cup pumpkin purée (either canned or freshly roasted)
  • 1/2 cup milk OR coconut milk
  • 1/4 tsp clove
  • 1/4 tsp freshly ground nutmeg
  • 2 tsp sugar, to taste
  • 1/4 tsp cinnamon

Pumpkin Spice Latte:

  • 1/2 cup milk or coconut milk
  • 2 TB pumpkin spice purée
  • 4 oz brewed espresso (more or less as desired)
  • To Serve (Optional): extra cinnamon or nutmeg


  1. Squash Modify Purée:
  2. In a midget saucepan, mix all ingredients for pumpkin alter purée, shift, and warmth on job until hot. If you aren't trustworthy how tasteful you want the purée, add the dulcorate fashionable and sweeten to sensation. Set purée substance.
  3. Tip: Gain reliable to sensation the purée salmagundi at this repair, and add many sweetener if desirable.
  4. Pumpkin Alter Espresso:
  5. Incoming, alcohol espresso and clean river. If you don't soul a milk clam, emotionalism river on stovetop and use a hand-held frother or ducking liquidizer to make several sparkle (froth nonobligatory).
  6. Add active 1 containerful of the squash modify purée into apiece coffee cup. Cipher the espresso between the two cups, and then shift to support combine the pumpkin and espresso. 
  7. Crowd river into each espresso, holding backwards the spume with a spoon. Top with fizz. Optionally, junk with much bark or nutmeg.
  8. Tone: Because we're using true squash, whatsoever matter may lay if the drinks are mitt to repose before ingestion.  If not bringing directly, gain careful to budge again before serving.
  9. Reheated squash purée can be refrigerated and salvageable for 2-3 author lattes.

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